Sunday 26 June 2016

Billy Beachball with the Plumbing Wrench outside the EU

Billy Beachball with the Plumbing Wrench outside the EU

Greetings peeps, welcome to another jam packed edition of The Long and Winding Croad. So I've come back from a nice week away in Woolacombe, which can only be described as "Hill Central". I swear the poor car was vertical at one point! Maybe that's what these places do on purpose...feed you loads of burgers and chips, and then make you walk up and down so many hills you burn it back off again! The scoundrels! Ever come back from a holiday and just think...i could do with some time off to recover now? All in all, the weather held out pretty good, i may even have slightly tanned for the first time in human history. Having mayonnaise like colour skin i hope this lasts! A little tid bit story for you, one of the site mascots was called Billy Beachball, seems normal enough right? Not until he has his own song which im pretty sure had the words 'Billy's Willy' in. Yes that's right folks, a family holiday park warping the minds of young children. Well we will go with that, and not the fact im so old my hearing has gone to pot hey!

So ive just had the plumber in. No, that's not some kind of sick innuendo you dirty minded people, i genuinely had an old man here playing with my pipe.....hmmm. Anyway, the toilet has been whistling after use, not like any decent tune or the seven dwarfs, more just to itself. I decided to take a look. I have done about as much plumbing as you ever seen Super Mario do in his life, so conclusion was 'the toilets broke'. Long story short, plumbers replaced some bit in top and now i can shit in peace and quiet. Jobs a good un.

Lets quickly talk about a huge week in wrestling. New WWE Champ and Martin favorite Dean Ambrose had a fantastic night Sunday at Money in the Bank, leaving the night as champion. Great move to put the belt on him, as he is one of the top babyfaces of the company right now. Ahead of the uncertain draft of the brands, Dean looks to be a big focal point of the summer. Meanwhile Roman Reigns, after being announced in a 3 way for Battleground got himself suspended under the wellness policy. For the non wrestling guys, the wellness policy was bought in years ago to stop the use of drugs in wrestling. In covers anything from fun to enhancement drugs. Roman got himself slapped with a suspension, but can still luckily compete at Battleground and give us the amazing 3 way of The Shield we have wanted for the past few years. Roman has come on really well in the past few months in big match ups, and this is a back step for him for sure. I only hope he gets his shit together and learns from this. Quickly on the draft, July 19th Special, loads of rumours of bringing back old stars to fill out the two brands. Don't be surprised to see the 'The Whole F'in Show' at least.

Quick update on the EU? Its not like it hasn't been thrown down your faces all week? So we are out! Leaving are EU buddies behind, the UK looks to concentrate on itself and build back up a Great Britain again. My thoughts... you have to understand it will take a few years to stable anything, but i think everyone should consider the £350 million a week we will no longer be spending on the EU. The country over the past few years has had recessions and been on a downward slump, and only by taking it back and investing in ourselves can we rise up again. I'm optimistic at this stage, sad to see Cameron go, but totally understand you cant drive a ship if you don't believe in the course it is taking.

Speaking of ships, this one has sailed. Hope you enjoyed another episode of the Long and Winding Croad. I haven't received any fan mail yet, only assuming Royal Mail are snowed under with it and finding a way to get it to me. 

Peace out Monkeys


Tuesday 14 June 2016

Heroes & Villains

Heroes & Villains

So I'm back, blogging again. I guess I'm a blogger now, so welcome to another edition of The Long & Winding Croad.

Ok, so i'm gunna start in a real weird place, a supermarket. Yeah right, no one saw that coming, but something hit me recently i want to share. Some groceries products have such a huge span of options, sometimes too much choice can be too much. Look at milk right... if someone says to you, can you pop out and get some milk?, you instantly start a 5 page questionnaire or flowchart to determine which milk is right. Skimmed or Semi? Organic? 1 pint, 2 pint? Flavored? The list goes on. At what point in life over evolution did someone just think, you see that milk market, we can put a lot of options in there for people. Why not just be able to buy simple one pints of one type of milk!!!  Its the same for Bread... Wholemeal? White? Best of Both? Small loaf? Big loaf? Rolls? No wonder supermarkets are getting bigger in size! Oh, and while i'm here, who's genius (term used loosely) idea is it to put the fruit at the start? The damn things have gone off and out of date by the time you get to the checkout! What goes near the end....Pet food and Toilet Roll.... and Alcohol? So if your an alcoholic who's shit themselves and forgot to feed the cat, They have you covered in one place!

Anyway, Heroes and Villains. Sometimes people come along who can inspire you, whether its to do something, to make a change, or just help you set a goal. As i grow old and grey, it's now i reflect on the heroes that influenced my younger years, even to this step of writing this right now, someone will have inspired me. Appreciation for these people mostly comes all too late, they retire, they move on, or in worse cases..they pass away. Sometimes life can change so quick, perspective changes too. If right now you are sat reading this thinking why haven't i achieved this by now, or why i haven't i traveled here, then do something about while you still can.

Every hero has a villain counterpart. Hogan had Andre, Batman has Joker and even Optimus Prime had Megatron. If that last reference was lost on you, your in for a bumpy ride through these blogs! This week has really put in perspective for me how a villain can be so much more. Whether its the situation in Orlando recently, or things closer to home, it seems the world is becoming a hard place to understand. Who is the real Villain out there? Has society become so used to pointing fingers at people that it turned on its own kind. Hey, this isn't answers....just questions. I provide thoughts which lead to stories, and they land here.

So I'm off on holiday next week, which means i have the joys of packing ahead. You know...choosing 5 outfits on the bed, getting there and totally not matching the same outfits on holiday! Wearing the same pair of shorts for the majority of the time, and that one item which never leaves your case, and comes back, and goes in the wardrobe again. Right now i'm rocking the 'Food Baby' look, which should go down a storm by the pool. I'll look less James Bond, more James Corden. I'm sure i'll come back with a load of watch this space.

Unlike my genitals, i don't want these to be considered too long for people to handle, so that'll wrap up this edition. Hope you enjoyed, if you have please share and spread the love.

Peace Out


Wednesday 8 June 2016

Welcome to the Journey

Welcome To The Journey

So somehow, some way, you've managed to land on my blog. Welcome! If you had intended to browse the internet for a water skiing squirrel video, or recipe tips for a birthday cake.... let me tell you, you are currently more lost than a penguin in the desert. Nonetheless, hopefully you'll take the time to read my ramblings.

Well as this is the debut blog I guess I should answer some simple questions. My name is Martin, i live in the South West of England, and I've decided to blog my thoughts on Life and Pro-Wrestling. My life is pretty simple, i'm just a small town boy, living in a lonely world...took the midnight train.,... oh wait, we are already off track and I've barely begun.

I feel its at this point you'd have some cool dream music, a few clouds pop into shot, and then we have a flashback sequence to me as a kid. Lets age me maybe 2 or 3, rocking a white diper, and a sweet stripe T shirt. How is it okay to look like this at a young age, but at 28 years old (almost 29), this is socially unacceptable to publicly dress like this?  I'm sure i'll touch on my childhood in later posts, but i had pretty much the same up bringing as most kids in the South West. I went through the education system learning stuff like Pythagoras and Sikhism religion, as opposed to the useful stuff needed in later life such as Mortgages and Social Media.... That's education for your folks!

Right now, ive just started a new job. It's going well, but i'm still in training. I'm planning on using the 'i'm in training' excuse for a good few months, sort as a get out of jail free card. The one job area you cant apply that logic too is anything criminal guys. Free life advice here folks, like the shining star guiding the wise men to Jesus (i actually played the star in the nativity once.... tight casting at its best), I shall try and guide you through the potholes of life i have seen so far. Think of me like a modern Adrian Mole, a reference which has probably gone over the head of anyone born outside of the 1990's.

As well as the usual rambling on life, that time in the supermarket I caught a neighbor buying lube, and many other stories which will fill out this blog, i'll also cover my passion for Pro Wrestling. Its 16 years strong now, and my knowledge is probably at the Mastermind seat stage where you realize you've become some kind of geek. Yes, i'm talking about the 'fake' 'not real' WWF stuff, or as i like to say 'The Choreographed and predetermined world of Sports Entertainment'. The industry currently has a insurgence of new fresh talent bringing in a 'new era' to our screens, so i'll try to touch on the old and the new where I can. I'm a big fan of the Villains or 'Heels' as they are known, cus who dosn't love a bad guy right.

How is this blog already this long? I'm actually writing this on my lunch, which i ate about an hour ago... anyway, i don't want to make the debut edition too meaty, we can save the good stuff for down the road. That's why its called 'The Long and Winding Croad', cus hopefully through stories and tid bits i can show you inside my life, and how i have got to where i am. There will be the highs of life, the good times, the Buzz Lightyear fancy dress costumes.... but obviously there will also be the low times, and covering an issue which has become all too common these days among my generation, Mental Health.

Do i have you hooked? No? Well... your gunna miss out on some great stories. For those on board, welcome, as we embark on a crazy Journey...

Martin :)