Thursday 21 July 2016

Standing the Heat, but Feeling the Draft

I may be sunburnt and i may look like a grilled tomato, but that wont stop me from slammin out another edition of The Long and Winding Croad.

Avoiding the obvious fact, much like many Pokemon Go has taken over my life, everything else seems to be on steady track to somewhere. Living in the UK, we cry for the smallest bit of sun, to part from our usual dull and dreary days, but when it appears, and the sunglasses are on, the first comment is 'phew its too hot isnt it'. With building work currently being done on my flats exterior, and unable to open any windows due to this, im contemplating a money making opportunity of turning my bathroom into a walk in Sauna. During such a heatwave however, the most common underlying problem is sleeping.  The many positions you try, small desk fans placed across the bedroom floor to circulate the little air in existence..and remembering times in your head is was much cooler and you were much more comfortable.  As i write this, i see an old friend in the distance... a grey cloud has appeared. As quickly as we have all been up to our necks in ice lollys and sun cream, it could soon disappear.

So due to the WWE draft, i once again pulled an all nighter, finally going to bed at 4am Tuesday morning. It's hard to explain to others my dedication to the wrestling cause, but with social media being so prominent these days its getting more and more harder to avoid spoilers. The concept of the draft is to split all the wrestlers across two shows, thus then having two separate brands. A lot of people seem underwhelmed by the overall conclusion, but with anything it obviously has to take time to get off the ground. Really excited that Finn Balor now has a chance on the main stage, and i expect huge things from him on Monday Night Raw.

The mailbag is always open, so feel free to drop me a line with any questions. Wrestling, Life, Work, Pokemon Go...anything! If your lucky, your question might even make a future blog. I haven't even scratched the surface on Mental Health issues yet, so watch this space.

Twitter: @PhoenixCroad - Use #TheLongandWindingCroad

ASK fm - @martincroad

Facebook me @ The Long and Winding Croad

What or who motivates you to get out of bed every morning? - First and foremost Money, because without it you can't do a lot. It's the sad fact of life it makes the world go around, and in this current climate you need a lot of it. Especially if your car has to go to two separate garages in one week! Secondly, im always out to prove my worth and be the best i can be. As the great CM Punk once said 'I will prove to you i am everything i say i am and more. If you dont think im worth it, if you dont think im living up to what i say i am, then get rid of me, because i sure as hell know what im worth.'

What is the secret to a happy life? - Not being torn up in the opinions of others, not worrying the sky will fall down, and having friends who see you as you see them. Imagine happiness as a line, sometimes you will fall under it, sometimes you will go over it, but its about as staying as damn close to the middle as you can all the time.

Do you believe in Karma? - As in Awesome Kong?  In the spiritual sense, absolutely. Everything happens for a reason. Everything catches up with you, and sooner or later the bad guys meet there end. You should only be worried about Karma catching up with you if you know you have done something wrong in the first place.

Until next time, Peace out monkeys


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